Alliance Architects, Inc. (AAI), a leading Dallas commercial architectural and interior design firm, celebrates 30 years of helping to shape DFW’s architectural landscape. Since its inception in 1993, the company has developed a reputation for its professionalism, creativity, and relentless customer service. A 30th Year Anniversary Open House was held at AAI’s newly renovated office […]
Active Imagination | 24th Annual Dallas CASA Parade of Playhouses
IGNITING Creativity with “ACTIVE IMAGINATION” Alliance Architects is proud to participate in the 24th annual Dallas CASA Parade of Playhouses. This signature annual event raises awareness and serves as a fundraiser for Dallas Court Appointed Special Advocates, an organization of volunteers who act as a voice for abused or neglected children in court. Alliance […]
Almost Like a Real Job
Alliance Architects, Inc. (AAI) participates in two internship programs through the Richardson Independent School District, The Professional Internship Program (PIP) and the Berkner STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math). AAI Project Coordinator Gloria Boyd attended a PIP while in high school. Therefore, she understands the importance of the programs in helping the students decide which […]
Beans Or No Beans? That’s The Question
This year Alliance Architects participated in the Canstruction event, held at the State Fair of Texas. Over a course of two months, Alliance employees, in partnership with Pacheco Koch and Adolfson & Peterson, raised money for the purchase of over 4,300 cans to construct a nine-foot model of the state of Texas. The team as a whole was broken down […]
Working is More Than Just Working
Working is More Than Just Working By Alex Knesnik, AIA, LEED AP This is an article written by Alex Knesnik, a former employee of Alliance Architects. While Alex left us a few years back in order to pursue a writing career, he has allowed us to republish this article to remind us of and underscore […]
Alliance Gives Back
Interior Designer Jordan Raymond is an active member of the Real Estate Council Young Guns organization. Her design background, coupled with Alliance’s experience with educational projects, including Dallas ISD, inspired her to join the Education Committee this year. The Young Guns Education Committee selects a project every year in the Dallas Independent School District. This […]