Change. Architects are agents of change. Never has a client come to an architect asking to have a building designed because everything needed to stay the same. And we are happy to do it. Relocations, consolidations, expansion, contraction, or best of all, multi-phased renovations while clients stay productive amidst the rubble of change. Happy to do it.
But do it to ourselves? Well, not so fast. We’ve done it this way for 22 years, why change? For one thing, because we’ve done it this way for 22 years. Our current change has very little to do with construction, but everything to do with the architecture of our firm. Change in the foundation of ownership. Change in the structural framework of leadership. Change in the infrastructure of our CADD platform, reporting and accounting systems. Change in the way our people can move and work within the firm. Change in the look and feel of our internet presence. Even change of the sign on the door.
Again, why? Largely, it is due to a real desire for continual improvement in our workplace and processes. But the real “why?” is to maintain and build upon a consistently and remarkably satisfied clientele. Many of our clients have been with us from the beginning, or very near, our rather inauspicious start. We owe all of our clients, new and perennial, a commitment of constant improvement and appreciate the input we receive. A lot of this is a work in progress, but that is the nature of change.